Friday, April 1, 2011

As We Get Closer

As the due date gets closer and closer the office grows more excited to meet our little girl. We have started an office pool where everyone can guess on random baby girl facts for a chance to win a gift card. Everyone loves a healthy competition ;) It is so fun to sit down and read what everyone thinks the baby will weight or how long they believe I will be in labor for. I am enjoying every guess.

Also, last night we set up the birth pool to see how long it would take to fill up. It was a good thing we did a test run (Brian's idea) because we noticed the tile floor in the dinning room (where we set up the pool) really cooled the water down quick. Brian also has a bucket heater in a 5 gallon bucket to get water warm quicker than boiling on the stove. However, we noticed that two buckets would be more efficient than the one we had last night. All and all the pool was very relaxing with enough room for Brian and I to both be in there and he still can do therapy on me (very lucky to have a personal massage therapist on call). Now we just have to prep our "unofficial dula" Kami on the process and I believe we are ready for the relaxation of a water birth :)

As far as adjusting goes ... I am doing great. There is no problem working on patients of all sizes (just can't help all of them up form the table when treatment is complete). Paying close attention to my diet and exercise has really paid off in the work environment.