One of my New Years Resolutions is to get back on track with all my projects. I have been slacking ever since Kyla was born. Now that she is on a schedule and I am situated in the office I am ready to go!
One of the ways to organize was to write down everything I wanted to accomplish this year (wow it was a lot). Then I prioritized the accomplishments. This year I added something new into the mix, something I just was exposed to ... ACTION STEPS!
Action steps are simply "the actions you are going to take to get to the desired goal". Who would have thought these would be important??? However, when you stop and think more about it you realize that it is the most important part of goal setting.
Let's us the most common goal someone has when the new year rolls around ... loosing weight! When you start to think of goals and you think, "I want to loose weight this year. I've done it before and I went to the gym and ate better." And then you write it down on the list. Two months from now, when you go back to read those goals you see "loose weight" on there you then immediately start to evaluate yourself ... "is the weight coming off???"
If you used action steps that process would go more like this ... two months from now you look at your list and see ... "shop healthier with a list, go to the gym to lift weights 3x/wk, go for a 30min walk 3xs/wk, park the car further away, no dairy, no gluten, no sugar". Now you can evaluate yourself on a smaller scale. Such as, "Yes, I shop with a list, I do the exercise I stated, but I have been sneaking sugar and I need to get better at that."
The second route is a more mentally healthy way of living. Mental health and growth is something we ALL can strive for.